Project Description

Braised Pork Ribs 돼지갈비찜



생강청 1 TS, 돼지갈비 1kg, 당근 반쪽, 감자 1개, 양파 1개, 대파 1개 청양고추 2개, 월계수 잎, 자투리 양파, 대파, 통후추된, 장 1 TS, 간장 120ml, 물 120ml, 사과즙이나 파인 애플즙 2 TS, 매실액 1 TS, 다진 마늘 2 TS, 맛술 5 TS, 참기름 2 TS, 설탕 3 TS, 후춧가루
1 TS black sugar ginger tea, 1kg pork ribs, 1/2 carrot, 1 potato, 1 onion, 1 green onion, 2 sliced spicy peppers, laurel leaves, onion, green onion, black peppercorns, 1 TS soybean paste, 120ml soy sauce, 120ml water, 2 TS apple juice or pine apple juice, 1 TS green plum syrup, 2 TS crushed garlic, 5 TS cooking wine, 2 TS sesame oil, 3 TS sugar, a pinch of black pepper

1. 돼지갈비는 핏물 제거하고 월계수 잎, 자투리 양파, 대파, 통후추, 된장 1스푼에 삶는다.
Soak 1kg pork ribs in the water and remove some blood and boil them with laurel leaves, onion, green onion, black peppercorns, 1 spoon fermented soybean paste.

2. 간장 120ml, 물 120ml, 사과즙이나 파인 애플즙 2스푼, 매실액 1스푼, 다진 마늘 2스푼, 흑당생강차 1스푼, 맛술 5스푼, 참기름 2스푼, 설탕 3스푼, 후춧가루 조금 넣고 양념장을 만들어 둔다.
Mix 120ml soy sauce, 120ml water, 2 spoons apple juice or pine apple juice, 1 spoon green plum syrup, 2 spoons crushed garlic, 1 spoon ginger extract, 5 spoons cooking wine, 2 spoons sesame oil, 3 spoons sugar and a pinch of black pepper to make a sauce.

3. 삶은 돼지갈비와 썰어둔 채소들을 한꺼번에 넣고 양념장을 부어서 익혀준다.
Put the boiled pork ribs, chopped vegetables together in a pan and add the sauce. Continue cooking until the vegetables turn tender. Serve hot with steamed rice.