Project Description

Deep-fried Shrimp in Spicy Sauce (Kkansho Saeu) 깐쇼새우



갈아만든레몬 1/2 TS, 냉동새우(250g), 맛술조금, 소금, 후춧가루, 당근조금, 풋고추 1개, 홍고추 1개, 다진파 2 TS, 다진마늘 1 TS, 케찹 3 TS, 칠리소스 1 TS, 고추장 1/2 TS, 간장 1/2 TS, 올리고당 1/2 TS, 물 1스푼, 전분가루
1/2 TS grinded lemon tea&ade, shrimp (about 250g), a small amount of cooking wine, salt, peper, carrot, 1 green pepper, 1 red pepper,2 TS chpped green onions, 1 TS crushed garlic, 3 TS ketchup, 1 TS chili sauce, 1/2 TS red chili pepper paste, 1/2 TS soy sauce, 1/2 TS corn syrup, 1 TS water, starch powder

1. 냉동새우는 조금 큰 사이즈로 20마리(250g정도) 준비해서 녹인 다음 씻어 물기 제거하고 맛술조금, 소금조금, 후춧가루조금 뿌려서 밑간한다.
Prepare 20 slight large frozen shrimp (about 250g). Defrost the shrimp, clean, and pat dry with paper towels. Season the shrimp with a small amount of cooking wine, pinches of salt and pepper before cooking.

2. 당근 조금, 풋고추 1개, 홍고추1개는 다지고 다진파 2큰술, 다진마늘 1큰술을 준비한다.
Chop the carrot, 1 green pepper and 1 red pepper and prepare 2 spoons chopped green onions and 1 spoon crushed garlic.

3. 케찹 3 스푼, 칠리소스 1 스푼, 고추장 반 스푼, 간장 반 스푼, 올리고당 반 스푼, 갈아만든레몬 반 스푼, 물 1스푼을 섞어서 깐쇼 새우 소스를 만들어준다.
Mix 3 spoons ketchup, 1 spoon chili sauce, 1/2 spoon red chili pepper paste, 1/2 spoon soy sauce, 1/2 spoon corn syrup, 1/2 spoon grinded lemon tea & ade and 1 spoon water to make Deep-fried Shrimp sauce.

4. 재워둔 새우에 전문가루를 묻혀서 튀기듯이 구워준다.
Coat the seasoned shrimp with starch powder and bake it like stir-fried.

5. 팬에 새우 튀겼던 기름을 1스푼 두르고 마늘1 스푼을 다진 대판 2 스푼을 넣고 볶다가 썰어 둔 당근 과 풋고추, 홍고추도 넣어 볶아준다.
Grease the frying pan with 1 spoon of the oil used to stir-fry the shrimp, and add 1 spoon crushed garlic and 1 spoon green onion and stir-fry and then add the chopped carrot, green pepper and red pepper and stir-fry until the sauce is thickened.

6. 볶아진 채소에 소스를 넣어 볶다가 끓으면 튀겨둔 새우를 넣고 버무려준다.
Drop the shrimp into the frying pan and mix everything until the sauce is well absorbed. Serve immediately.