Project Description

Grilled Pork Neck with Red Chili Pepper Paste 목살 고추장양념구이



흑당생강차 2 TS, 삼겹살 or 목살 600g, 맛술 2 TS, 후춧가루, 간장 3 TS,고추장 4 TS, 고춧가루 2 TS, 간마늘 2 TS, 간양파 3 TS, 참기름 1 TS, 설탕 2 TS, 매실액 2 TS, 올리고당 1 TS
2 TS black sugar ginger tea, 600g pork neck or pork belly, 2 TS cooking wine, black pepper, 3 TS soy sauce, 4 TS red chili pepper paste, 2 TS dried red pepper powder, 2 TS ground garlic, 3 TS ground onion, 1 TS sesame oil, 2 TS sugar, 1 TS green plum syrup , 1 TS of corn syrup

1. 목살이나 삼겹살 600g에 흑당생강차 2스푼, 맛술 2스푼, 후춧가루로 밑간을 해둔다.
Season 600g pork neck or pork belly with 2 spoons black sugar ginger tea, 2 spoons cooking wine and black pepper before cooking

2. 양념장은 간장 3스푼, 고추장 4스푼, 고춧가루 2스푼, 간마늘 2스푼, 간양파 3스푼, 참기름 1스푼, 설탕 2스푼, 매실액 1스푼, 올리고당 1스푼을 넣고 섞어준다.
Mix 3 spoons soy sauce, 4 spoons red chili pepper paste, 2 spoons dried red pepper powder, 2 spoons ground garlic, 3 spoons ground onion, 1 spoon sesame oil, 2 spoons sugar, 1 spoon green plum syrup and 1 spoon of corn syrup to make a marinade

3. 밑간 해둔 고기에 양념장을 넣어서 반나절이나 하루정도 숙성시켜 준다.
Add the marinate to the seasoned pork meat and leave it to age for half a day or a day.

4. 팬에 양념된 고기를 넣어 골고루 맛있게 익혀준다.
Heat the seasoned pork meat through evenly in a pan and serve it.